Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Family Died From Smoking, Lung Cancer Actually

Grandparents on both sides of my family died from lung cancer and an Aunt too. My grandparents and aunt smoked for years and lung cancer was the result. Many people get cancer and never did anything, at least that they were aware of, to get it.

However they may have gotten it, and whatever type of cancer it is, it affects those who love them. But if you are a smoker, stop it. I know it's hard, I smoked too, but if you don't stop, you could get lung cancer yourself and die. Is that worth your next puff? Think about who will miss you. My grandfather is the one I saw up close. He also had throat cancer and had his larynx removed. He went from being a strong active man to a withered shell who couldn't talk. It was very sad.

Some people go through life and don't have someone they love get cancer, but it's rare. I have many friends who have gone through breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and they have all survived. I celebrate their time still here.

Certainly time has made a difference as cancer treatment was not as advanced when my grandparents had cancer.

Those who get cancer are not the only victims. Cancer impacts families and friends too. If you are a smoker, seriously, consider quitting. If you know a smoker, don't nag them to quit, just tell them you love them.

Cancer is bad, do what you can to avoid it, and if someone you love gets it, cherish them and the time you have with them. That's good advice even without cancer. Cherish those you love, and tell them.

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